With the abundance of knowledge and expertise you possess as an attorney, search engines and marketing through them may fall outside the natural realm of what you do. And, a lack of understanding in this area leaves even the most intelligent, educated people a bit nervous.

But, search engine marketing proves vital to driving traffic to your website and potential clients to your doorstep. In other words, time and attention to learning or outsourcing SEO matters to law firms, including yours.

While a friend?s recommendation continues to get top bill for finding an attorney, the Internet comes in at number two with Google following closely behind. (Add referral and word of mouth to the recommendation, and you have a clear leader).

Even locally, the traditional methods of scanning ads in the Yellow Pages or telephone book, newspapers or on television appear negligible in comparison to getting online. And, the data backs these claims up according to a 2015 study by Moses and Rooth Attorneys at Law.

The survey also revealed that among the young (18-24 year old) consumers Internet searches rose to the top of the list. And, the same held true for study participants in the income bracket of over $150,000 or more per year.

Furthermore, the location in which prospective clients live within the country played a role as well. For instance, the U.S. Northeast and West prove more likely to conduct an Internet search than contact a friend to retain an attorney. And, urban dwellers tend toward online searches also.

To be more specific about SEO, posting a few well-written articles intended to attract clients fall flat without attention to search engine marketing. Without giving due attention to the way that Google and its compares rank sites or the search behavior of consumers, your website proves little more than a pretty picture.

In the sea of web content, search engine marketing first gets you noticed by Google and the like. The proper use of keywords and other SEO strategies gets your law firm?s name climbing the results list which increases your chance of a click.

And, this climb gets you noticed by prospects. Additionally, knowing the search habits of Internet browsers allows you to adjust key terms and gain notoriety among those most likely in need of your services. For instance, searches typically specify the type of practice desired. And, Google?s look for firms in their geographical location as well.

In sum, search engine marketing benefits attorneys and their firms. Getting up to speed with this technology is worth the time and dollar investment.