Chances are you have heard about all of the different methods of disability attorney marketing that can be used for generating leads. In fact, you may have become quite good at the process. However, are you aware that approximately 79 percent of the leads you gather will never turn into actual clients? While your firm might be investing in various types of retargeting, display advertising and search advertising, you still may not be able to convert every single one of your leads into an actual client. In the marketing industry, this is referred to as leaking leads. There are a number of culprits, which include inadequate follow up, poor handling techniques and ineffective advertising methods.
When you take the time to fix the methods you use for disability attorney marketing, you will be able to capture more leads and convert more clients.
Be Visible
There is no question that Google is the number one most used search engine, and you need to ensure that you are found in search queries through Google. However, did you know that up to 35 percent of searchers use Yahoo or Bing as their search engine of choice? You should be actively investing marketing dollars here, as well, to ensure that you get the most from your marketing efforts.
Keyword Usage
It is important to use your actual business name as one of the keywords in your search advertising to help your ads show up in the search results, rather than your competitors?, when someone is searching for the services you offer.
Optimize Web Content
All content that you publish on your website should be optimized for search engines using your tip keywords, which will help it to rank in the organic searches for those terms. As many as 75 percent of searchers will never scroll past the first page of the search results, which means that you need to ensure that you are ranking as high as possible for the keywords you are targeting so that your customers can easily find you.
Utilize Google Features
An important aspect of?disability attorney marketing?that you do not want to ignore is the business features that Google offers ? for free. This includes claiming and then updating your Google + Local business page, which will help your business rank in the Google Map search results.
The fact is, you will have to take a proactive stance when it comes to your marketing efforts, no matter how big or small your law firm may be. This will ensure that you have the best results possible for your disability law firm. Ignoring the recommendations can wind up costing you big in terms of clients, conversions and profits.